Beating Procrastination as a Freelancer
Freelancing 07 September 2015 6 minute read
There are a few things that get in the way of successfully freelancing, but the biggest one is procrastination.
Found 8 articles.
Freelancing 07 September 2015 6 minute read
There are a few things that get in the way of successfully freelancing, but the biggest one is procrastination.
Freelancing 17 August 2015 5 minute read
Over the years I've gone through many different ways of getting work done. The workflows I've used and overall processes I've put into place have all brought me to this point. Let's look at how I make websites...
Freelancing 13 August 2015 6 minute read
Working from home can be a real pain and is incredibly difficult to do well. I've put together my top tips to be productive when working from home.
Freelancing 20 February 2015 4 minute read
In the wonderful world of freelance, over-promising is a fantastic way of failing hard and fast. You and I both know you can't stick to the proposed deadline...
Freelancing 20 January 2015 4 minute read
Most freelance web designers tend to look at client services as though they're working <em>for</em> someone, this couldn't be more wrong...
Freelancing 15 October 2014 7 minute read
You've probably heard the term and think you have a fair idea of what causes it, but here's where you hopefully learn something new. Many people believe that burnout simply comes from working too much, however...
Freelancing 10 September 2014 7 minute read
I'm sure you've read many an article or list post promising to give you a golden toolbox that'll propel you into history as the greatest home worker ever born...
Freelancing 05 September 2014 4 minute read
This post is aimed at anyone looking to hire a web designer or developer to work on a project for them. Hiring is tricky, as many business owners know, in this post I'm going to go over everything you should take into account when getting someone to make you a website.
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