I'm a Dad!

Life 31 August 2024 1 minute read

I've begun living the next stage of my life. Being a dad to my daughter!

At the time of writing this I'm 30 years old.

I've wanted to be a dad since I was 15, so I've been waiting for a long time.

I was starting to wonder if it would ever happen, but last November my wife and I discovered we were going to parents!

I'm writing this post not for anyway else, but myself and my daughter. I want to look back on this post in 10 years (and maybe she will too) to help me see how much things have changed.

At this very moment in time I'm writing this in my lounge while my daugher is in her moses basket next to me, refusing to go to sleep.

I've put her dummy back in over 10 times as it keeps failling out of her mouth as she's about to fall asleep.

Some nights are long and tiring, especially when she's wide awake at 1am.

I never thought being a dad would make me so happy, but only 2 weeks in and I wouldn't change it for anything.